Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Friday, February 16, 2007


I've promised to stay in this evening rather than go to the meeting and I'm very glad that I have. I'm just not well enough to go.

I did go for a very short walk down a little bit of the common towards the sports centre but I really wasn't feeling too good and just came back. I'd said I wouldn't go out for long but I was out for even less than I expected.

I read on the front page of one of the local papers that there's a bug doing the rounds at a hospital in Coventry and that they might ask visitors not to come in if they've a cold or something. I just skimmed the article so didn't read that much. I guess it might be what I've got. It's really affected me because of my underlying illnesses though the really bad pain on my left hand side isn't as it was when I first came down with it and I suppose it says something that while making me feel so bad the limp hasn't come back.

So, things are improving I guess. I've stopped being sick just because I've sneezed, my nasal passages are a lot better, and I'm not bleeding like I was before I went into hospital the first time, my feet are a lot better and my limp hasn't come back even when I'm feeling as rough as this.

I still get very tired very easily and there's a lot of pain. The mornings are not good generally speaking.

I suppose I could've headed up fer an evening mug of hot chocolate (no chips!!) but it's probably better that I came back to rest. Might as well've gone to the meeting if I'd done that I guess.

I'm just going to put some veggies on. I've eaten an egg sandwich and a little bit of carrot cake. I didn't like the carrot cake that much. I really seem to have gone off anything sweet. I just thought I'd try it but I didn't like it. The veggies seem much nicer and sort of warming or something.

My diet has become amazingly healthy. I didn't get round to me quarter of an hours meditation today but I guess I've rested pretty much for most of the day.

Go and do me veggies and either read the papers or finish the language cards I started making yesterday.