Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Sunday, June 25, 2006

The walk yesterday

I started off by going into the field over the bridge near Jephson gardens on the side of town where the sports centre is. That is where I met the woman and her dog who I spent the next three hours or so rambling round Newbold comyn and the woods with. The hill we climbed was called Campion Hill.

The first field has short grass but the one next to it has tall grasses growing, some taller than me ,but there're lots of paths you can walk on through there. We met a young couple from Coventry who had come in for the day. I guess I could've asked them about those woods that I'd seen on my weekly taxi rides in that way.

Anyway, we left that side of the river and went down into the wooded area on the other side. Went past the old tree that had come down and been sawn up. There's a very large stump from the tree trunk there. The woman told me that the tree had been one of the oldest oak trees in Leamington. Further down the path she pointed out a fox hole to me that I'd walked past many times but hadn't noticed.

We walked down until we came to the Sports centre and then went over to the other side on the road there and over to Campion Hill and spent quite a lot of time walking in the woods and climbing around the hills there. We saw a bike park where the kids can bike and went off further into the woods around there. She told me that there'd once been an old Victorian House and gardens there though now it was an overgrown wood with a few pathways through it.

Eventually we got back to the golfing green near where we'd started off to climb the hill and stopped for a drink in the club house gardens there. She told me that round there had once been a farm.

While we were walking she'd talked about the trees, showing me the poplar tree with it's leaves side by side and little black buds. And the ash tree and she rustled the leaves to show the noise it makes when there's a wind blowing. I don't know that much about trees, not like I do about the flowers. She told me other things too but I've forgotten now.

Today when I was out it felt a little different because I was noticing more. I went into the woods where we'd been yesterday and saw some beech nut wrappings on the ground and looked around and saw that the tree there wasn't a beech but then I looked further up and there was this huge beech tree there with it's branches stretched out way above me.

Some of the paths are becoming overgrown now so I couldn't go everywhere I'd've liked to.

She told me that you could walk through to Offchurch through these fields and woods. It was too late to do that yesterday.