Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Spent ten minutes arguing with someone just because our definition of the same word was different. Normally it'd've taken about two minutes to sort out but I am a bit on edge or something today and while there was no unpleasantness or anything like that I was a bit taken aback by what she thought I'd said, and the other way round too.

Then it dawned, she thought I was talking about something different than I was so we had to go back to basics. It was just a slight difference about how we interpretted ONE word. As I said I'd've usually stopped early on and ASKED but today I kept on trying to explain what I was talking about without trying to find out why we seemed to be talking at rather strange cross purposes.

More muscles changes today too, but I'm sure not feeling too good but that's probably half down to this shitty cold and the other half due to muscles finding their way around at the moment. Just heard a little noise which means one on the right side around the neck area is on the move. I guess it's not going to feel too good if they've been so still for a while.

I guess this all down to the Bowen therapy. She said when I first met her that sometimes I might not feel so good the day after. There is certainly movement at the moment though. Nothing drastic but it's certainly there.

Stretches muscles out a bit on the right side of the neck and head just to move it on a bit. Listens to noises gleefully. Though still feels like shit.

(Goes to get glass of water .. mustn't dehydrate now must we)