Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sleepy day

I've been resting for most of the day as I was much sleepier than I thought I was. Just been lying down and resting. Been dreaming a bit as well, day dreaming I mean. Thinking how nice it'll be to be well enough to start doing things again.

There wasn't much option about what I did today. Rest was the only thing I could do but it was nice to think of feeling better and getting on with things again. The last few weeks have been spent coping with this illness really and getting used to the routine of taking all the medication and using everything that has been prescribed for me to get me through the next few weeks.

Yes, I'm really looking forward to feeling better and getting back down to things. It's been quite a while really since I was well enough to be doing what I wanted to. That stopped when I found I couldn't read as much as I normally did. I thought that was just because of the colds I was catching but I guess the real reason was that this illness was slowly reaching a chronic stage before developing the symptoms that would show that it was there.

It's a illness, described as one that most GPs have never seen, but obviously there are other people with it and there is a society for us which I will be joining very soon.

It's nice thinking of getting back down and being able to do the things I want to again. I didn't stop totally but I was so tired that I couldn't do much for quite some time. I didn't read much at all because my concentration had got quite bad. Not surprising when you think what was happening I guess!!! But obviously I'm starting to feel better, though I'm still very tired. And I do have one runny cold at the moment but I've noticed so do a lot of other people.

Hope it soon goes.