Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Monday, May 01, 2006


Someone suggested that I starting meditating in a different way than I have been. I'd read a little while ago that meditation can make changes in how you use your brain. I haven't got the article here at the moment but I was quite impressed and intrigued by what I read.

Yesterday was really interesting. I found my art had improved again without me really having done anything to change things. I just started sketching again in biro copying what things that were infront of me while I waited for someone. I was really surprized but there you go. Maybe I've been taking things in and sorting things out in my brain without realizing it.

I'm still as tired as ever though. The down side of yesterday was that I was probably feeling worse than I needed to because I hadn't eaten much for the last couple of days which right now is probably not a good idea.