Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Well, I just want to be back. I had a great time there yesterday again. I didn't see anyone I knew this time. I just wanted to wander around and get the feel of the place again. I was surprized again by the general politeness and friendliness.

I went to Camden this time, was a bit put out that the vegan selection of take out food seems to have changed. Maybe one company has shut down or something, but it seems that now there's the same both at Planet Organic and Fresh and Wild. No more aduki bean shepherd's pies then or various kinds of soya chunk wraps.

I wandered around Camden. I noticed while I was out that people seem to be becoming more creative with their clothes again, or some people anyway. Sure a few hippies, one guy was wearing a headband. Wandered around but not as much as I normally would because I'm still feeling so tired and really not very well. I went into Virgin Records while I was there and the guys behind the counter were asking people if they wanted bags which was really cool. I said no. Well, why would I want a small bag like that which I wouldn't do anything with and would just chuck it out to become part of a landfill site somewhere. And for no good reason cause I certainly didn't need a bag. Had one. The guy was pleased when I said no as well and said "Cool".

Well, you've got to start somewhere. For any of the talk about some scientists overestimating the problems this planet is in a lot of trouble at the moment. It was really nice to see that something we don't need at all really was being questioned. I mean you need to keep the economy going as best as you can to fund the things that are needed for the country. But at the same time we really need to be thinking about where the way we're living is taking the ecosystems we depend on.

Was in Oxford Street too for a while. Cut through M & S to go to Grant and Cutlers, the foreign language bookshop. Their stock had certainly improved. Well, the Arabic section was brilliant. The Dutch section had moved and had gone down in size. I guess this means that they have a new manager there because the guy that used to see to the stock had studied Dutch and made sure that there was a very good section there. Still good, just not as large!!!!!! Didn't look too hard but I didn't think I saw any Van Dale computer dictionaries there. Or any Dutch computer encyclopedias. Maybe they didn't sell, or maybe they've just sold and they're waiting for new stock. Or maybe I just missed them.

Went to HMV and Borders too. Bought some music and a few magazines.

Spent the rest of the time just looking around, seeing what there was and people watching I guess.

I had a nice time and there were people there who were just so friendly. Things seemed to have opened up a bit there. Maybe I smile a bit more too.

I mean a lot of people still looked harrassed and things but there was a lot of friendliness there again.